Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013

Home Automotive Lifts Make Repairs Easy

An auto lift is a vital tool for any automotive repair shop. It provides access underneath a car or truck, making repairs a snap. The most crucial element to consider when choosing an automotive lift is selecting one that meets your needs. You will save time and money in the long run if you put price aside and focus on choosing the auto lift possessing the key elements necessary for how you will use it. The following paragraphs detail the types of automotive lifts available.

Auto Lifts For Home Use

If you are seeking to perform automobile repair and maintenance in the same style as an automotive shop, you should consider purchasing a lift for your home garage. A home automotive lift is convenient and it increases your accessibility to making repairs to your own car. This investment can save you money long term as you will not need to take your vehicle to an automotive repair shop for repairs that you can make yourself since you have a lift in your own garage.

Home auto lifts [http://www.sviinternational.com/] include four posts that pneumatically lift your automobile, providing access to the undercarriage of your car for oil changes, transmission repairs, and more. Home automotive lifts also provide extra storage as you can elevate your vehicle when needed to increase floor space in your garage. Many people who collect antique vehicles use lifts to raise their collection so they can park their every day vehicles underneath.

Automotive Lifts For Automobile Repair Shops

Professional automobile repair shops, garages, and commercial facilities often choose heavier duty auto lifts. Standard models can have one, two, or four lifts, depending on the balance, weight capability, and stability required for the space available to house the lifting equipment.

Heavier lifts require a good bit more maintenance than home auto lifts due to the industrial use. Maintenance for these types of automotive lifts is best left to a professional who is familiar with the workings of the lifts and the proper maintenance of safety features.

One, Two, And Four Post Lifts

Most users find that one post lifts provide the best use of space. Two types of one post lifts include centered lifts and offset lifts. Centered one post lifts are stronger than offset one post lifts, but the offset version allows for parking a vehicle underneath a lifted vehicle, which provides a better use of the space available. Four post automotive lifts allow for the same underneath vehicle parking as offset one post lifts, but the four posts take up more space and require more power to operate. The main advantage of a four post lift over an offset one post lift is the amount of lifting power possible, four times more than a one post lift. The advantages and disadvantages of two post models fall in between the one and four post lifts.

Automotive lifts allow you to approach your vehicle from any direction, providing you with the access to make repairs only able to be done by an automobile repair shop in the past. Whether you seek an auto lift for your home garage or for your commercial repair business, there is a lift to suit your needs.

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